Card Buying/selling

Policies, prices and procedures

Card Selling Policies

All cards are sold at the current TCGPlayer Market Price point - this can fluctuate from day to day or even hour to hour, so cards may cost more or less at any given time.

Due to this, card prices are not put on the cards themselves - we do not want to overcharge for any card, nor do we wish to sell a card for far below its value, so cards must be looked up at time of purchase. Customers are welcome to look up the cards they're interested in with the TCGPlayer app on their phone to check prices, but an employee must still scan the card before purchase.

In some instances, a card is both worn down and has a more level price point, so those cards are specially marked with a specific price. You get what you pay for with these, but the price does not change regardless of its market price.

Some of our cards are on - these prices do not change automatically with the market, so our price online may be different from what we scan and charge in store. We are happy to honor our online price if you catch it lower before we do - just let us know!

Finally, most of our cards are in great condition, but those that are not, we lower the prices accordingly with the level of damage. We take 25% off the cost of lightly played cards, 50% off the price of moderately played cards, and 75% off the price of heavily played cards. This differs from TCGPlayer as their prices on LP, MP, and HP may be closer to the mint price due to card demand. 

We strive to not have any damaged cards within our stock unless it is an exceptional card otherwise - when we do get them in (like accidentally in bulk or given to us), they usually go into our freebie bin. Feel free to take a look!

Card Buying/trade-in policies

First and foremost, we do not offer cash for cards anymore. We feel that this way we can offer more cards and the trades are kept within the collector community. We have had this policy for about a year.

Therefore, we offer a higher percentage for cards than many stores - we will give 60% of the current TCGPlayer Market Price in store credit for most cards, while cards on our lists or other sought after cards will start at 65%

These cards must be over $1, and the amount of store credit given will be lowered based on the condition the cards are in, the same as our sales policy above.

We take 25% off the cost of lightly played cards, 50% off the price of moderately played cards, and 75% off the price of heavily played cards. 

Then we apply the 60-65% to give store credit.  

For example, if a card is scanned at $10, and it is a lightly played card on our buylist, we will first take 25% off for the condition ($7.50) 

then give 65% of that in trade value - giving us a $4.88 store credit for this $10 card.

We do not buy/trade damaged cards

The condition of the card is at our employees' discretion. If you disagree with our assessment, you are under no obligation to trade us that card :)

Anything that would scan under $1 would go to bulk 

Bulk prices are: 

$7 store credit per 1000 cards for commons, uncommons, tokens, and lands/energy

$7 store credit per 100 cards for rares, mythics, legendary, super rares etc

These cards do not have to be organized but we would appreciate it. They must not be dirty or water damaged (or damaged in any way really). We will happily return the box/sleeves/dividers etc but you must inform us before leaving or we cannot guarantee their return to you. To make it more convenient, you can bring the cards in a box you do not mind parting with, with all sleeves and dividers removed. 

Additionally, we do not always get to sort bulk right away beyond a quick quality check, so if more expensive or rare cards are accidentally left in the bulk you drop off to trade for store credit, and you leave before double checking, the cards will be considered part of the bulk trade. We will do our best to return something that clearly doesn't belong there but we cannot make guarantees. Please ensure you sort your cards thoroughly before trading them in. We are not responsible for lost cards due to accidental bulk inclusion.

Children must have parental permission before trading in their cards.

We are not obligated to take any cards in trade and may decline any trade at employees' discretion. However in most cases, we would LOVE to look at your collection!

Currently, we are only taking in and trading Pokemon, MTG, and Lorcana

We will soon look at Universus cards and Yu-gi-oh cards

We are no longer accepting Star Wars Unlimited cards for trade.